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May 11, 2024: Plant Walk & Plant Swap in Couterie Forest

Greater New Orleans Pagan Pride and The Torch would like to invite you to attend Backyard Herbalism and plant swap. Come, join us at beautiful Couturie Forest as we stroll the trails and learn of the bounty of edible and medicinal plants that inhabit the state we call home. As we walk we will discuss identification, medicinal use, magical properties, and edibility. 

This walk will be led by Jeremy Joy who has 16+ years experience in local plant identification. The walk will begin at 1pm next to the bridge by the parking lot. Once the walk has concluded members from the Torch will be hosting a plant swap. Suggested donation of $20 would be greatly appreciated!

Sunday the 12th is Mother’s Day and mom wants a plant! So bring a plant, leave a plant, take a plant. All plants accepted, no plant left behind.



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